Frequently asked questions.

Why can I not book an appointment within 24-48 hours online?

Our system only allows clients to request an appointment 1-2 days into the future. We do this to give providers time to accept a new appointment request, and so we can review your insurance to make sure your provider accepts your plan. You can request an appointment online for the 1-2+ days into the future, and once the appointment is confirmed you will be sent a portal link via email where you can send a secure message to your provider asking to meet sooner.

Does the provider I want to schedule with accept my insurance plan?

Our providers accept almost all insurance plans, however, we always need to verify your specific insurance plan to confirm if your provider is in-network with your plan. Please provide all insurance information through our website question tree when looking for a provider so we can search your plan. You are also responsible for knowing if your insurance plan is in-network with your provider, so please review the ‘Billing NPI’ information in the bottom section of the provider’s bio to see what NPI number sessions are billed under, and call your insurance payer to confirm the provider is in-network.

What if I went through the website question tree and the provider I want did not appear?

If the provider you are seeking is not showing up after you complete the question tree they either do not accept your insurance, work with your specific needs, or they are just not available for new clients at this time. We recommend you choose another provider who shows up as available and is a good fit!

What if I went through the website question tree and no one was suggested as an in-person option?

If you selected ‘in-person’ only visits from the question tree, and no one was suggested to choose from, that means we do not have any in-person providers available who accept your insurance and fit your needs. You can go back through and select ‘open to telehealth’ services to see options available to you if you are open to video sessions.

What if I went through the question tree and got an error message saying I was already a client, and when I log into the portal I only see my current provider, not the one I want to schedule with?

The portal system we use does not allow you to use the same email address to meet with a second provider. If you log into the portal with your email address and only see your current provider, you need to go back and request a session with the new provider using a different email address.

What if I went through the question tree and when scheduling I couldn’t submit my request?

If you are a ‘contact’ in a current-client’s file, or you are already an active client in the system, you may not be able to request a session with your primary email address if that is already in the system. Try a different email address when requesting a session with a provider. Reach out to the front desk if you are still having difficulties scheduling from the therapist’s Monarch page.

What is the best and fastest way to communicate about services?

If you have a client portal always reach out through the secure portal (which you can find through the portal emails sent to you) to message your provider using the ‘Chat’ icon about any scheduling or treatment needs. If you do not yet have a provider and a client portal: find a provider through the ‘Contact’ page or request to be on the waitlist.

What can I expect for a first appointment?

We recommend you show up 10 minutes before your first session to make sure you can find our waiting room, or, if you are having a telehealth appointment join the link sent to your email in case there are any troubleshooting issues. Contact your provider through the portal if you are having trouble connecting via the ‘Chat’ icon.

Each of our clinicians begin working with clients by starting with an initial assessment which is an hour to an hour and a half appointment where we will ask you questions about your current lifestyle and past history. The goal of the first session is to gather information to help better understand your concerns and areas of strength. The end of the assessment will involve you and your therapist developing a list of goals and a treatment plan to meet your unique needs.

How long are appointments?

Consultations are 10-15 minutes in length. Full sessions are about 50 minutes in length, however the initial assessment can be up to 75 minutes depending on the provider, and session type (i.e. marriage counseling versus an individual session).

What types of payment are accepted?

We accept HSA and other most credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover).

What will I need for teletherapy sessions?

1) A computer or mobile device with a functioning webcam.

2) A strong/good internet connection.

3) A safe space where you can be alone to speak freely and uninterrupted.

What if the therapist I want is not available?

We have many great providers on our team and we are regularly expanding our therapists and medication providers. You can go through the Question Tree on the ‘Contact’ page and add yourself to the Waitlist and let us know the provider you want to meet with. You can also go back through the Question Tree at any time to see if the provider you want is available.

How much is a cash-pay price of a session?

Session fees depend on the provider and length of the session. Please contact visit the ‘Contact’ page to go through the question tree where you can see all available providers, and their cash-pay rates.

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate”  explaining how much your medical care will cost  

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have  insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical  items and services.  

• You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees. 

• Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service. 

• If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. 

• Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. 

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate,  visit or call the Colorado Division of Insurance at  303-894-7490 or 1-800-930-3745. 

Does Higher Sights accept insurance plans?

At this time Higher Sights is paneled with many government and private insurance companies.

Visit our “Accepted Insurances” page to learn which plans we are able to accept at this time. Note: not all providers can accept all insurance plans. If our admin team finds your provider cannot accept your plan your session will be canceled and you will be directed back through the question tree to find a provider who can accept your insurance.