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We have 95 therapists and 4 medication management contractors.
1) Choose a provider type.
2) Go through the question tree to filter by the best fit.
3) Schedule instantly with who is available.
Medicaid Members owe $0.00 for sessions.
If you are a current client: message your provider through the client portal link that was emailed to.
Higher Sights Administration Team: 720-943-7080
We respond within 24-72 hours to all calls and emails. Check your ‘spam’ folder if you do not hear from us.
All Higher Sights providers are independent contractors and Higher Sights is in no way affiliated with their care and services. Higher Sights provides some administrative support (billing insurance claims for providers). Scheduling with a provider is through our website to ensure you are meeting with an available provider who meets all of your needs. For any concerns, questions about services, client records, etc. please speak to your provider.
You belong here.
Higher Sights Counseling | Therapy and medication management for all of Colorado.